Disney+ La Lía Parda by airing a great spoiler of Guardians of the galaxy that h already been removed

Marvel UCM or cinematographic universe is a great shared universe of films-and now also series-that encompses a lot of stories with countless characters. And this formula so successful that it h been running more than a decade h a great villain: the spoiler. And it is that among the interconnected plots, the postcard ite scenes and other external agents such leaks, they can ruin the expectations of fans before an upcoming production. And this is the ce of the lt spoiler related to Guardians of the Galaxy that h begun to circulate through the network of networks these lt hours and that leaves, precisely, of the Disney itself. We warn of Spoilers about the blissful group of marvel galactic superheroes that will soon relee their Christm special and in 2023 the third installment of their film adventures.

Guardians of the Galaxy: family issue

Thus, and media such ic book collect, a special episode in Disney+ dedicated to Draw and Mantis of the Guardians of the Galaxy w issued part of the Marvel Studios Show: Legends. Well, by mistake, a scene h been issued that should not have aerated on guardians of the Vol. 2 galaxy and that, despite not being considered canon such, do include relevant information of the UCM. And apparently, this is the ce.

So much so, that both episodes of less than 10 minutes have already been removed from Disney+, so that information would be considered weight. H it been a small production error? Or have you considered that this information should not have been made public now waiting for Guardians of the Vol. 3 Galaxy? To the mess.


This scene shows Mantis confessing to Draw that she really is Star-Lord's sister, yes, the character Bocachancl played by Chris Pratt. This information leads us to think that Mantis is also the daughter of Ego, the cosmic entity that traveled through the galaxy a living planet engendering children and played in the sequel by Kurt Russell. We will see if this information- we say, already withdrawn-h a determining impact on the imminent future of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


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