Spider- Man Marvel s Avengers will hit this month

After long wait, Eidos Montreal finally revealed the exact release date for Spider-Man within Marvel s Avengers. As surely you know, this single character will be available in PlayStation version of the game and will later this month when users can use it.

Marvel's Avengers Game - Spider-Man DLC Release Date REVEALED!

Through a new update of its roadmap, the authors confirmed that the game will be on November 30 when Spider-Man makes his debut in Marvel s Avengers.

Spider-Man will be accompanied by a seller of cosmetics objects and costumes inspired by the MCU and new events and enemies. Now we just wait for Eidos Montreal and Square Enix us share our first look at its design.

Note from the editor: recall that when it was revealed that Spider-Man would be exclusive to PlayStation was much controversy, but eventually the community what was forgetting. Sure when the arachnid reaches Marvel s Avengers, the debate about the exclusivity of it will gather strength again.


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