Destiny 2: Server
Indestiny 2 is available today, on 2 November, maintenance on PS4, PS5, the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, on the PC and Google Stadia. These are general maintenance for Destiny 1 and 2. The most important times and information you get here on Meinmmo.
You have to know today: Bungie has announced for today s Tuesday, 2 November, general maintenance for Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. So there will be a slightly longer downtime.
Currently, the publication of an update is not planned. At least Bungie has not expressed itself or mentioned in the announcement of maintenance.
So that you know exactly when you can gamble, Meinmmo publishes everything important to maintain and updates this article if new details will be known or maintenance lasts longer.
Maintenance on 02.11. - All times and server-down
These times are important today:
At 13:00 German time, the maintenance work on all platforms start.
From 13:45 o clock the servers are then offline. You will be kicked out of all activities and the downtime starts.
Expected to 16:00 clock the servers then drive up again and you can then log in.
At 17:00, the maintenance will end up planning.
It is important: Even if you loaded the update, it can come to connection problems until the end of the maintenance work at 5:00 pm. You may need to expect queues when logging. Also consider that third-party applications and also the official companion app can not be reached correctly.
If Bungie should publish additional maintenance information, we complement this here in the article.
So that you will not get bored during the downtime in the afternoon:
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When are the Destiny 2 server go online again?
The downtime for maintenance work has currently indicated 4 hours. At about 17:00 you can log in again. So you are on time for weekly reset again!
Do you think, tonight Bungie will be a surprise for weekly reset? Or do you believe in the 4 weeks ContentDürre?
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