32 GB RAM and graphics card for PLN 4,000. ICARUS hardware requirements

The official Icarus hardware requirements appeared, which will apply from the games premiere, or on December 4.

Minimal do not look somehow, what other recommended settings that are recommended for smooth fun without fps fall. Here you can really catch your head...

Windows 10 (64-bit versions)

Processor: Intel i7-9700 Memory: 32 GB RAM Graphics Card: NVIDIA RTX 3060TI DirectX: Version 11 Disk space: 70 GB available space

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Intel i7 ninth generation processor, 32 GB of RAM and graphics card at RTX 3060Ti (PLN 4,000-5000) — only then can I count on Icarus will go without any problems.

Okay, and what is the loud Icarus? A new title from the creator of Day, to whom the creation of a beautiful, ambitious, network Survival game with EVE elements.

Survive in a wildly stranger on Iyar, the greatest error of humanity. Survive in his brutal environment, exploring, digging and hunting, looking for a fortune.

From his orbital stations, seekers go to the surface of the planet for limited sessions, during which they learn to endure foreign environment, fulfill fractional missions and look for valuable exotic materials. Those who survive are coming back to orbit as experienced veterans, transforming their exotic in advanced technology and taking more and more difficult screens es thanks to newly discovered knowledge. Those who stay behind... Die forever.

So Here Are The Icarus PC System Requirements

Opinions after Beta Tests Weekends were super positive, and we can probably expect that after December 4, Icarus will conquer Steam.

Price? Less than 100 zlotys.


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