How to get the Spanish marching horse at Far Cry 6

Walking yara on foot can be something tedious if you want to travel and explore more quickly, therefore Far Cry 6 has a good amount of vehicles with different features.

Horses are one of the most pleasant ways to get around the island , since it is an animal that allows access to amount of land. In the game there are a few types:

How to get the Spanish marching horse at Far Cry 6

One of the most singular horses is the Spanish Marchor, which can not be achieved as the rest of the game equines. In the case of this frame, another type of action must be made.

If we try to scan the Spanish keyrier, a message that categorizes it as a military vehicle. We must approach him and press Square or X to then take him to a barn and that is our official way.

You can find this horse at different times and places of Far Cry 6. For example, at the beginning of the game at meadows in sanctuary island you will have the opportunity to make you with one.

Top 10 Far Cry Games By finding you a castle military, some can go on this horse, so you can end them and ride in the Spanish marker to be yours.

If you want to know more, here we leave our analysis of Far Cry 6. You can also read our opinion blog about whether far cry 6 is a political game and how Ubisoft has treated delicate topics in a very intelligent way.

And as part of the Far Cry 6 guide, we also add what Insurgency mode consists of, the EndGame at the end of the game. Here we tell you how to get the mascot chorizo ​​and how to get the mascot Chicharrón.

11 excellent open world video games that are an authentic well of hours without background

We also tell you how to get the Boom Boom mascot at Far Cry 6 and how to gather the three oluwas relics to get the Olusian mascot.

Finally, here we leave the guide to get the Revolutionary team at Far Cry 6 and we tell you where it is and what is in the blue hole of Yara. And here you have the most cheap and supreme combination.

This is the easiest way to level up at Far Cry 6 and add how to participate in rooster fights and we talk about the three coins of Far Cry 6: Yaranos, currencies and impoverished uranium.


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